Your ecommerce website sparkles and shines with outstanding graphics, an attractive layout, and a sophisticated shopping cart. There is only one problem; your visitors are just not staying around long enough to make purchases. There are several pitfalls that are often overlooked to cause this phenomenon.

  • The website is difficult to navigate. A dizzying array of multiple pages and unclear pricing makes it difficult for any shopper to find their way around easily and quickly. Less is better to avoid clutter. Ensure that visitors can clearly see and use action buttons and even tips to help them navigate the site. This will make the checkout process easier and quicker, leading to more conversions.
  • Lack of popular products. Imagine visiting a website to find the hottest product but you had to dig four pages deep to find it. This is what instantly reduces conversions. Keep up with the latest search engine trends to find out what consumers are purchasing and move those items to the front of your website for greater visability.
  • Not taking advantage of a stalled shopper. If a visitor is sitting on a page for some length of time, prompt them with a chat box to ask if they need assistance in finding something. When engaging a customer to chat, be personable yet helpful with their request.
  • Lack of sales support. Because the internet is 24/7, your customer service should be as well. If it is not feasible to keep a 24 hour live chat open, be sure your FAQs, sales policies, and shipping policies are easily accessible.
  • Failure to roll with the changes. Continually check and measure results of changing page layouts, landing pages, and item placement. You will learn over time what works best with attracting and keeping customers.

By following the above online  tips, your online business will enjoy increasing ecommerce conversion ratios. Contact us for more information on how we can help you setup a successful online business.