Sometimes you just can’t rely on getting more visitors to your site to do the job of Increasing ecommerce conversion ratio's.

In fact, in one study by Fireclick, a common ratio is 10 out of 100 visitors who are really interested in purchasing; and then, only 2 % will actually stop to buy.

At first blush, you might think that by increasing the number of visitors to your website you could get a higher percentage of conversions, when in fact concentrating on doing things right for those who visit may be a more effective solution.

“8 Ways to Boost Ecommerce Shopping Cart Conversions,” a post on HubSpot, gives an overview on “shopping cart abandonment” that once heeded may bring higher conversion rates.

1. Orient your visitor to your webpage
We all know how confusing some sites can be, and we appreciate a quick, one-take based on the use of breadcrumbs: That’s a thread of components from your website that helps orient the visitor while providing a host of site options.

2. “Add to cart” button is commonly overlooked by designers

It may be such an obvious ‘must do,’ that many designers underestimate its importance; it should have an impact on the page via the “color scheme” of your page. Size? It should cry out, “Choose Me!”

3. Best Practices for that Product Page

You have about “3 seconds” for the design of your product page to invite readership, after that the viewer may be going for the ‘back’ button to re-start his orientation. One solution is to use quality images and your “add to cart button” separate from any pro duct text below it.

Whether your e-commerce site is up and running or you’re starting from us. We offer shopping cart software and hosting options that are tailored and scalable to maximize your growth opportunities.